I'm trying to integrate the sonar analysis into by TeamCity build process. I have a NUnit build step which runs my unit tests and then runs dotCover for the coverage.
My next step is the sonar-runner. The configuration that currently exists is; gallio.mode=dotCover, sonar.gallio.mode=reuseReport but I also need sonar.gallio.reports.path.
Does anybody know the path to the dotCover report generated in the the previous step?
Spent some amount of time on the same issue, but with newer Sonar c# plugin (v.2.3) - Gallio support has been dropped, but the report is still required.
To answer the question directly, TeamCity puts dotcover snapshot file into a temp folder with a name like coverage_dotcover27574681205420364801.data
(where digits are random). So
$snapshot = Get-ChildItem "%system.teamcity.build.tempDir%" `
-Filter coverage_dotcover*.data `
| select -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1
%teamcity.dotCover.home%\dotCover.exe report `
/ReportType=HTML /Source="$snapshot" `
Now you can specify your report in sonnar runner as sonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths='%sonar.coverageReport%'
Where %sonar.coverageReport% is a defined property in a TeamCity