Top "Teamcity-7.1" questions

Version 7.1 of Teamcity, a Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains.

Entity Framework Provider type could not be loaded?

I am trying to run my tests on TeamCity which is currently installed on my machine. System.InvalidOperationException: The Entity …

c# entity-framework mstest teamcity-7.1 entity-framework-6
NTLM Authentication using RestSharp?

I am trying to use NTLM authentication for my REST calls to TeamCity using RestSharp. IRestClient _client=new RestClient(_url); _…

ntlm restsharp teamcity-7.1
MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified in teamcity

I am trying to run MSBuild with TeamCity. I have a batch file and I pass into it parameters and …

msbuild teamcity msbuild-4.0 teamcity-7.1