Top "Teamcity-7.0" questions

Major release of TeamCity adding additional features and enhancements to TeamCity 6.5

How can packages be published to a TeamCity nuget server?

We have a TeamCity 7 server configured for nuget. It's hosted on a machine with no external connectivity. Is it possible …

teamcity nuget teamcity-7.0
TeamCity Build Agent won't upgrade

We are trying to setup a build agent and every time we start it the log shows the following messages: [2012…

teamcity teamcity-7.0
TeamCity not sending email notifications

I am trying to set up an email notification in TeamCity on my project fail. I have set up some …

teamcity teamcity-7.0 email-notifications
Teamcity variable replacement in nuspec file

This is my nuspec file to get the package generated from teamcity. The version is actualy set by the teamcity …

nuget-package teamcity-7.0
Restrict access to certain TeamCity projects

We have a TeamCity instance with a variety of projects and build configurations on it, with no security set up …

teamcity teamcity-7.0