Top "Tcp" questions

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a transport layer protocol that provides a connection-oriented data stream service with guaranteed, in-order delivery.

Does a TCP socket connection have a "keep alive"?

I have heard of HTTP keep-alive but for now I want to open a socket connection with a remote server. …

java sockets http tcp keep-alive
Linux: is there a read or recv from socket with timeout?

How can I try to read data from socket with timeout? I know, select, pselect, poll, has a timeout field, …

c linux sockets tcp
How to detect a remote side socket close?

How do you detect if Socket#close() has been called on a socket on the remote side?

java networking sockets tcp
Detecting TCP Client Disconnect

Let's say I'm running a simple server and have accept()ed a connection from a client. What is the best …

c++ sockets tcp
Artificially create a connection timeout error

I've had a bug in our software that occurs when I receive a connection timeout. These errors are very rare (…

networking network-programming connection tcp
What is a simple C or C++ TCP server and client example?

I need to quickly implement a very small C or C++ TCP server/client solution. This is simply to transfer …

c++ tcp client-server
ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

I'm having a problem with a library that I am using. It might be the library or it might be …

java android tcp httpconnection
Difference between TCP and UDP?

What is the difference between TCP and UDP? I know that TCP is used in the case of non-time critical …

tcp network-programming udp protocols
Tool to monitor HTTP, TCP, etc. Web Service traffic

What's the best tool that you use to monitor Web Service, SOAP, WCF, etc. traffic that's coming and going on …

web-services http tcp monitoring
When is TCP option SO_LINGER (0) required?

I think I understand the formal meaning of the option. In some legacy code I'm handling now, the option is …

sockets networking tcp setsockopt so-linger