Top "Taxonomy" questions

The classification, or categorization, of things

Wordpress - Custom Taxonomy Pagination

I'm using: Wordpress 3.4 WP-PageNavi 2.82 I register custom taxonomy (catalog) <?php add_action('init', 'pca_register_taxonomy', 0); function pca_register_…

wordpress pagination taxonomy
drupal taxonomy term path to return alias

Taxonomy term path: Returns the unaliased path. I used pathauto to …

drupal taxonomy
Drupal 7: Pathauto hierarchical taxonomy terms pattern

I have a Drupal 7.9 taxonomy vocabulary according to the following scheme: category-1 category-1 > subcategory-1-1 category-1 > subcategory-1-2 …

drupal-7 design-patterns hierarchy taxonomy
wordpress test if custom taxonomy term is child of another term

how can i test if a wordpress taxonomy/term page is a child of another term? For instance, if i …

wordpress taxonomy
Wordpress post tags in menu

I can`t add post tags to wordpress menu. I try create taxonomy, with replace "post_tag", but it not …

wordpress tags taxonomy
Creating Taxonomy Table in MySQL

I am creating a botanical database where the plants will be organized by their taxonomy: Life Domain Kingdom Phylum Class …

sql mysql database taxonomy hierarchy
How do I make a Wordpress archive page for custom posts and taxonomies?

I'm a trying to set up an archive page with custom post types and custom taxonomy in Wordpress. I have …

wordpress taxonomy
Wordpress custom taxonomy pagination not working

I’m using the WP PageNavi plugin for pagination. This particular problem in not getting the taxonomy-portflio-category.php page to …

wordpress pagination taxonomy custom-post-type
Combining factor levels in data frame column

I have a data frame data with a column, named "Project License", which represents a categorical variable, and, thus, in …

r taxonomy categorical-data merging-data
Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms

I have a taxonomy-taxonomy.php page that needs to look like so: CUSTOM POST TYPE TITLE (RESOURCES) Custom Taxonomy 1 (Resource …

wordpress taxonomy wordpress-theming custom-post-type