Top "Tagname" questions

jQuery find input type (but also for select)

I need to find the input type for radio buttons, text, and selects. Its easy to find the input type …

jquery select tagname
When and how I can locate element by Tagname using selenium webdriver? Please explain with an example

I have used most of the element locator while Testing with selenium but very low frequently used 'TagName' locator. Please …

selenium element locate tagname
Difference between .tagName and .nodeName

What is the difference between $('this')[0].nodeName and $('this')[0].tagName?

javascript dom tagname nodename
find whether an element exists by a particular tag name in XML

I have an XML file where some sub tags (child node elements) are optional. e.g. <part> <…

java xml optional tagname
Getting a list of XML tags in file, using xml.etree.ElementTree

As mentioned, I need to get the list of XML tags in file, using library xml.etree.ElementTree. I am …

python xml tags elementtree tagname
jQuery/javascript replace tag type

Is there an easy way to loop through all td tags and change them to th? (etc). My current approach …

javascript jquery tagname
correct use of tag prefix and tag name?

It looks like both TagPrefix and TagName are both required. I'm wondering what the correct usage of each element would … user-controls tagname tagprefix