Top "Tableview" questions

A table view is a means for displaying and editing hierarchical lists of information.

How do you change the colour of a section title in a tableview?

Here is what I have at the moment. How do I refer to this so that I can change the …

ios swift tableview uitableviewsectionheader
javafx.scene.control.TableColumn cannot be cast to javafx.scene.control.TableColumn$CellDataFeatures

I have a problem when it comes to filling a javafx tableview. I am currently working on a GUI based …

java uitableview javafx tableview tablecolumn
UITableView - Better Editing through Binding?

Linked to question: JavaFX 2: Save edit in TableCell There seems to be allot of plumbing required for to establish an …

binding tableview javafx javafx-2
iOS UITableView sections with fetchedResultsController confusion

I have an entity being displayed in a table view in just one section. The entity has two attributes, workoutName …

ios core-data tableview nsfetchedresultscontroller
JavaFX Update progressbar in tableview from Task

I know Task has a method updateProgress, I would need to bind progressbar to task, however I cannot do that, …

multithreading progress-bar javafx tableview
is groupTableViewBackgroundColor deprecated on iOS 6?

I was just testing my app with iOS 6.0 and Xcode 4.5GM and I have set up a view like this: […

ios view background tableview ios6
What is the default TableView section header background color on the iPhone?

I want to customize TableView section header and to leave default background color. I use - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView …

uitableview tableview
TableView doesn't commit values on focus lost event

I'd like to create a table with the following features: Edit on key press Enter key = next row Tab key = …

javafx tableview
Select deselect the radio in uitableview section with array in ios swift

In tableview have different section. Want to add the radio button for all the section. Each section have individual select …

swift radio-button tableview sections
iOS 11 Floating TableView Header

Have an app going with multiple sections, a few rows per section when "expanded", none when "collapsed". Each section has …

ios swift tableview ios11