Top "System" questions

System may refer to a set of interdependent components; Low level infrastructure like the operating system (from a high language point of view) or an object or function for accessing the previous

Java System.getProperty( "user.timezone" ) does not work

When I start java program by java -Duser.timezone="UTC", System.out.println( System.getProperty( "user.timezone" ) ); System.out.println( …

java datetime properties timezone system
Can you Create your Own Hook in Drupal?

Is it possible to create your own hook in a Drupal module for other Drupal modules to consume? If not, …

php drupal drupal-modules system
C++ system() not working when there are spaces in two different parameters

I'm trying to run a .exe that requires some parameters by using system(). If there's a space in the .exe's …

c++ windows system
How can I run a list of commands in parallel?

I have a file containing command lines that I want to run. This file contains around 2,000 lines. I have 8 cores …

bash parallel-processing system systems-programming
System() calls in C++ and their roles in programming

I've often heard that using system("PAUSE") is bad practice and to use std::cin.get() instead. Now my understanding …

c++ windows operating-system system dos
Java System-Wide Keyboard Shortcut

Is there any way or a library to get a system-wide (global) keyboard shortcut to perform an action in a …

java keyboard system shortcut
How do I exit a Rust program early from outside the main function?

I am in the process of writing a bash clone in Rust. I need to have my program exit when …

system rust
How to make Java program exit after a couple of seconds

Is there anyway I can exit a java program after a couple of seconds e.g. 5 seconds. I know you …

java system exit seconds
How to find out the number of CPUs in Go lang?

Is there a simple way to find out the number of CPU's on a local machine using Go lang?

go system cpu-cores
When and how are system calls interrupted?

This is a followup question to Is a successful send() "atomic"?, as I think it actually concerns system calls in …

linux system interrupt