Top "System" questions

System may refer to a set of interdependent components; Low level infrastructure like the operating system (from a high language point of view) or an object or function for accessing the previous

What's the difference between a System property and environment variable

I am not clear about this. When I run a java App or run an Applet in applet viewer, (in …

java environment-variables classpath system system-properties
What's the difference between "C system calls" and "C library routines"?

There are multiple sections in the manpages. Two of them are: 2 Unix and C system calls 3 C Library routines for …

c unix system manpage
Mysql change column collation and character set of information schema

I want to change column collation and character set of system database information_schema... Can anyone give any input on …

mysql database system collation
Using a Single system() Call to Execute Multiple Commands in C

In an information security lab I'm working on, I've been tasked with executing multiple commands with a single call to "…

c security system exploit
perl - using backticks instead of system()

I have a perl script that calls an other perl script by using system() it's like: my $returnval= system("perl", $…

perl system return-value backticks
Why fork() before setsid()

Why fork() before setsid() to daemonize a process? Basically, if I want to detach a process from its controlling terminal …

c linux system unix
Is Google's Golang an interpreter or compiler?

I have been researching Golang and I see that it has a compiler. But is it compiling Go into assembly …

system gcc go
System.out.println and System.err.println out of order

My System.out.println() and System.err.println() calls aren't being printed to the console in the order I make …

java console system
Set "From" address when using System.Net.Mail.MailMessage?

I'm trying to send a password reset email, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to specify the sender's address. …

c# email system mailmessage
store output of system command into a variable in r

I am executing the following command in R : system("ls ") I need to store the output of the above command …

r variables system