Top "System-clock" questions

Why is CLOCKS_PER_SEC not the actual number of clocks per second?

I have just written this short C++ program to approximate the actual number of clock ticks per second. #include <…

c++ clock system-clock
Set Android's date/time programmatically

I need set the date/time from Android programmatically, but I'm not having success! I have these three sources above: …

java android system-clock
Is there an NTP server I should be using when using Amazon's EC2 service to combat clock drift?

I’m using AWS and am on an EC2 server … [dalvarado@mymachine ~]$ uname -a Linux 3.14.33-26.47.amzn1.x86_64 #1 …

amazon-web-services time amazon-ec2 ntp system-clock
How to get Android system uptime and realtime from command line?

I'm writing a script containing several "adb shell" command. I also want to record the time when program execute these …

android adb system-clock
How to Get system clock in microseconds in C++?

I am working on a project using Visual C++ /CLR in console mode. How can I get the system clock …

c++ visual-c++ time system-clock
Android: How to convert from SystemClock.elapsedRealTime to a human readable CharSeq?

How do you convert from SystemClock.elapsedRealTime() to a human readable CharSeq that can be displayed in textview?

android system-clock
Accuracy of clock() function in C

I have some code that tries to determine the execution time of a code block. #include <time.h> #…

c time clock system-clock