Top "System-calls" questions

A system call is used by programs to request services from the operating system's kernel.

How to control which core a process runs on?

I can understand how one can write a program that uses multiple processes or threads: fork() a new process and …

multicore intel system-calls instruction-set
dup2 / dup - why would I need to duplicate a file descriptor?

I'm trying to understand the use of dup2 and dup. From the man page : DESCRIPTION dup and dup2 create a …

c linux operating-system system-calls
Sleeping for milliseconds on Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, Vxworks, Wind River Linux?

I have to write a C program which has to sleep for milliseconds, which has to run on various platforms …

c sleep system-calls milliseconds
How to interpret strace output?

I need to profile the performance of an application for which I am using strace. However, I do not really …

c linux operating-system system-calls strace
how do i add a system call / utility in xv6

Can any one tell me/ point me any references to how to add a system call / utility in XV6 exhaustive …

operating-system system-calls xv6
What is better "int 0x80" or "syscall" in 32-bit code on Linux?

I study the Linux kernel and found out that for x86_64 architecture the interrupt int 0x80 doesn't work for calling …

linux assembly x86 system-calls 32-bit
System call vs Function call

What is the difference between a system call and a function call? Is fopen() a system call or a function …

c system-calls function-calls
What is the interface for ARM system calls and where is it defined in the Linux kernel?

I have read about system calls in Linux, and everywhere description is given regarding x86 architecture (0x80 interrupt and SYSENTER). …

linux linux-kernel arm system-calls
How can I get a list of Linux system calls and number of args they take automatically?

I writing a Linux system call map for the radare2 debugger. This means providing a huge static array mapping system …

c system-calls
Golang catch signals

I want to implement a "process wrapper" in Go. Basically what it will do, is launch a process (lets say …

go signals system-calls