Top "Strace" questions

strace is a Linux/UNIX tool for logging and analysing the system calls made by a user-side process.

How should strace be used?

A colleague once told me that the last option when everything has failed to debug on Linux was to use …

linux debugging strace
Systrace for Windows

I'm looking for a Windows equivalent of Systrace or at least strace. I'm aware of StraceNT, but wondering if there …

windows strace
How to track child process using strace?

I used strace to attach to a process briefly. The process created 90 threads. When I found the offending thread, I …

linux multithreading strace
How to solve "ptrace operation not permitted" when trying to attach GDB to a process?

I'm trying to attach a program with gdb but it returns: Attaching to process 29139 Could not attach to process. If …

c linux debugging gdb strace
How to trace system calls of a program in Mac OS X?

I wanted to trace the system calls made by the find command to debug some performance issues however I could …

macos strace truss dtruss
How does strace connect to an already running process?

I do know that strace uses ptrace to do the job, but it needs to run the target process with …

Equivalent of strace -feopen < command > on mac os X

This is useful for debugging (hence programming related). On linux, we can use the command strace -feopen python …

macos osx-snow-leopard dtrace strace
Prevent strace from abbreviating arguments?

I'm trying to use strace to find out what commands a program executes using execve. Some of the arguments in …

linux strace
What is the difference between FUTEX_WAIT and FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE?

I have been tracing a process with strace and have seen entries such as: futex(0x7ffff79b3e00, FUTEX_…

linux strace futex
Stracing to attach to a multi-threaded process

If I want to strace a multi-threaded process (of all of its threads), how should I do it? I know …

linux strace