Top "Synchronized" questions

A block or method is said to be 'synchronized' if entry to it is controlled by the Java `synchronized` keyword.

What is the reason why “synchronized” is not allowed in Java 8 interface methods?

In Java 8, I can easily write: interface Interface1 { default void method1() { synchronized (this) { // Something } } static void method2() { synchronized (Interface1.class) { // …

java java-8 synchronized default-method jsr335
Thread Safe Efficient way to implement singleton pattern in Java?

Possible Duplicate: Efficient way to implement singleton pattern in Java I was reading this Best Singleton Implementation In Java, but …

java singleton thread-safety synchronized
proper usage of synchronized singleton?

So I am thinking about building a hobby project, one off kind of thing, just to brush up on my …

java multithreading singleton synchronized
Why are synchronize expensive in Java?

I am really new to Java and I read that synchronized is "very expensive" in Java. All I want to …

java synchronized
Is there a synchronized queue in Java?

Is there a synchronized Queue class in Java? I'm looking for something like Vector (which is synchronized) vs ArrayList (which …

java synchronized
Do two synchronized methods execute simultaneously

I have 4 methods (m1, m2, m3 and m4) in a class. Method m1, m2 and m3 are synchronized methods. Also, …

java multithreading synchronized
What does it mean when we say an ArrayList is not synchronized?

What does it mean when we say an ArrayList is not synchronized? Does it mean that if we declare an …

java arraylist synchronized
What does "synchronized" exactly do? Lock a function or lock an objects function?

I am wondering how exactly "synchronized" works in java. Let's say I model a board-game that consists of a number …

java multithreading locking synchronized
Does a ConcurrentHashMap need to be wrapped in a synchronized block?

Do all non-retreival operations on a ConcurrentHashMap (put(), remove() etc.) need to be wrapped in a synchronized(this) block? I …

java synchronized concurrenthashmap
Threadsafe vs Synchronized

I'm new to java. I'm little bit confused between Threadsafe and synchronized. Thread safe means that a method or class …

java multithreading synchronization thread-safety synchronized