Payum bundle supports jms payments via the bridge. The links describes how to get started.
Usage of the bundle gives you several advantages:
- Secured capture action.
- Have credit card form, can ask user for credit card
- Ability to easy setup IPN. Notify action is also secured.
- Built-in support of all omnipay gateways (25 +), jms plugins (+ 10) and payum native libs.
- Payum paypal lib supports recurring payment and digital goods out of the box.
- Storages integrated into payment process so you do not have worry about data that might be lost.
- Domain friendly. Indeed Payum provide some models but it does not restrict you to use them.
- It already supports PSR-0 logger. In dev it logs executed payum actions, to easy debug (Visit symfony profile logs tab).
- It is possible setup several payments (one paypal account for EU and one for US for example)
- Extremely customizable. Add your custom payum actions, or extensions, or storages.
- There is a symfony sandbox (code|web) to help you to start.
P.S. It is not the full list of features.