Top "Swingworker" questions

When a Swing program needs to execute a long-running task, it usually uses one of the worker threads, also known as the background threads.

How do I use SwingWorker in Java?

Related to my previous question: Call repaint from another class in Java? I'm new to Java and I've had a …

java swingworker
Stop/cancel SwingWorker thread?

I'm trying to find out how to stop a SwingWorker thread from running when I press a button. I have …

java swing swingworker
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?

Right now, my main just calls a gui with 10 rows. Based on how many of those rows have text, 1 of 9 …

java swing swingworker jprogressbar
How do I wait for a SwingWorker's doInBackground() method?

Say I have the following code: import java.lang.InterruptedException; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; public class Test { private JDialog window; …

java swing synchronization swingworker
Basic Indeterminate JProgress Bar Usage

I simply want to have an indeterminate JProgressBar animate in the bottom left corner of my frame when a long …

java swing progress-bar swingworker jprogressbar
How cancel the execution of a SwingWorker?

Currently I have two SwingWorker threads doing job on background. If an exception occurs, the method stop to work, but …

java multithreading swing swingworker cancellation
SwingWorker: when exactly is called done method?

Javadoc of the done() method of SwingWorker: Executed on the Event Dispatch Thread after the doInBackground method is finished. I've …

java swing swingworker cancellation
My JProgressBar is not Updating Until it is 100%

Ok, I have the following code. public class MyProgressBar extends JPanel implements MyData, Serializable { /** * */ public static final int MAX = 10000; public …

java swing swingworker runnable jprogressbar
How do I make my SwingWorker example work properly?

I've made my own SwingWorker example to get familiar with how it works. What I'm wanting to do is the …

java swing jdialog swingworker
SwingWorker ProgressBar

I am trying to get a progress bar to accurately reflect my SwingWorker. But I really can't figure out how …

java swing file-io swingworker jprogressbar