Simultaneous accesses to 0x1c0a7f0f8, but modification requires exclusive access error on Xcode 9 beta 4

Francis F picture Francis F · Jul 31, 2017 · Viewed 24.4k times · Source

my project uses both Objective-C and Swift code. When a user logs in, it calls a set of apis for user preference, I have a DataCoordinator.swift class which schedules the API operation and I make this calls from UserDetailViewController.m class to load user preferences. This use to work fine before I migrated my code to Swift 4 using Xcode 9 beta 4. Now when I login it crashes by giving me this error in my DataCoordinator class. Below is a sample of my DataCoordinator and Viewcontroller class.


import UIKit


class DataCoordinator: NSObject {

    //MARK:- Private
    fileprivate var user = myDataStore.sharedInstance().user
    fileprivate var preferenceFetchOperations = [FetchOperation]()

    fileprivate func scheduleFetchOperation(_ operation:FetchOperation, inFetchOperations operations:inout [FetchOperation]) {
        guard  operations.index(of: operation) == nil else { return }

    fileprivate func completeFetchOperation(_ fetchOperation:FetchOperation, withError error:Error?, andCompletionHandler handler:@escaping FetchCompletionHandler) {

        func removeOperation(_ operation:FetchOperation, fromOperations operations:inout [FetchOperation]) {
            if operations.count > 0 {
                operations.remove(at: operations.index(of: fetchOperation)!)                 

        if preferenceFetchOperations.contains(fetchOperation) {
            removeOperation(fetchOperation, fromOperations: &preferenceFetchOperations)


    fileprivate func schedulePreferencesFetchOperation(_ serviceName:String, fetch:@escaping FetchOperationBlock){
        let operation = FetchOperation(name: serviceName, fetch: fetch);
        scheduleFetchOperation(operation, inFetchOperations: &preferenceFetchOperations)

    fileprivate func runOperationsIn(_ fetchOperations:inout [FetchOperation]) {
        for  var operation in fetchOperations {
            guard operation.isActivated == false else { continue }
            operation.isActivated = true

    //MARK:- Non-Private
    typealias FetchCompletionHandler = (_ error:Error?)->Void

    var numberOfPreferencesFetchCalls:Int {
        get { return preferenceFetchOperations.count }

    // MARK: -
    func fetchPreferences(_ completionHandler:@escaping FetchCompletionHandler) -> Void {
        defer {

        schedulePreferencesFetchOperation("com.fetchPreferences.type1") {[unowned self] (operation:FetchOperation) in
            WebServiceManager.getType1Detail(for: user) {[unowned self] (error) in
                self.completeFetchOperation(operation,  withError: error, andCompletionHandler: completionHandler)


        schedulePreferencesFetchOperation("com.fetchPreferences.type2") {[unowned self] (operation:FetchOperation) in
            WebServiceManager.getType2Detail(for: user) {[unowned self] (error) in
                self.completeFetchOperation(operation,  withError: error, andCompletionHandler: completionHandler)


        schedulePreferencesFetchOperation("com.fetchPreferences.type3") {[unowned self] (operation:FetchOperation) in
            WebServiceManager.getType3Detail(for: user) {[unowned self] (error) in
                self.completeFetchOperation(operation,  withError: error, andCompletionHandler: completionHandler)


        schedulePreferencesFetchOperation("com.fetchPreferences.type4") {[unowned self] (operation:FetchOperation) in
            WebServiceManager.getType4Detail(for: user) {[unowned self] (error) in
                self.completeFetchOperation(operation,  withError: error, andCompletionHandler: completionHandler)



// MARK:- Fetch Operation Struct
private typealias FetchOperationBlock = (_ operation:FetchOperation)->Void

private struct FetchOperation:Hashable {
    fileprivate var runToken = 0
    fileprivate let fetchBlock:FetchOperationBlock

    let name:String!
    var isActivated:Bool {
        get {
            return runToken == 0 ? false : true

        mutating set {
            if runToken == 0 && newValue == true {
                runToken = 1

    fileprivate var hashValue: Int {
        get {
            return name.hashValue

    func execute() -> Void {

    init (name:String, fetch:@escaping FetchOperationBlock) { = name
        self.fetchBlock = fetch
private func ==(lhs: FetchOperation, rhs: FetchOperation) -> Bool {
    return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue

//This is how I call it in my viewcontrollers viewDidLoad method

__weak UserDetailViewController *weakSelf = self;
[self.dataCoordinator fetchPreferences:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
                if (error == nil) {
                    [weakSelf didFetchPrefrences];
                else {
                    // handle error

//completion response
- (void)didFetchPrefrences {

    //when api calls complete load data
    if (self.dataCoordinator.numberOfPreferencesFetchCalls == 0) {

        //Load details



I'm not sure how to proceed on this, I saw a bug report at but it seems to be fixed in Xcode 9 beta 3. Any help is appreciated


Mark Bridges picture Mark Bridges · Sep 5, 2017

I think this 'bug' may be a Swift 4 'feature', specifically something they call 'Exclusive access to Memory'.

Check out this WWDC video. Around the 50 minute mark, the long-haired speaker explains it.

You could try turning the thread sanitizer off in your scheme settings if you're happy to ignore it. However, the debugger is trying to tell you about a subtle threading issue so it's probably a better use of your time to try to figure out why you've got something writing to your array at the same time it's being read from.