I am writing tests for my app and need to find the button "View 2 more offers" there are multiple of these buttons on my page but I would just like to click on one. When I try this, an error comes saying "Multiple matches found" So the question is, what ways can I go around this so my test will search and tap on only one of the buttons called "View 2 more offers".
Here is my current code
let accordianButton = self.app.buttons["View 2 more offers"]
if accordianButton.exists {
You should use a more elaborated way to query your button, since there is more than one button who's matching it.
// We fetch all buttons matching "View 2 more offers" (accordianButtonsQuery is a XCUIElementQuery)
let accordianButtonsQuery = self.app.buttons.matchingIdentifier("View 2 more offers")
// If there is at least one
if accordianButtonsQuery.count > 0 {
// We take the first one and tap it
let firstButton = accordianButtonsQuery.elementBoundByIndex(0)
Swift 4:
let accordianButtonsQuery = self.app.buttons.matching(identifier: "View 2 more offers")
if accordianButtonsQuery.count > 0 {
let firstButton = accordianButtonsQuery.element(boundBy: 0)