Top "Sweetalert" questions

SweetAlert is a JavaScript library that provides a replacement for standard alert() dialogue.

Sweet alert dialog with spinner in AngularJs

I am trying to display a spinner in a sweet alert dialog something close to Bootstrap modal dialog (http://jsfiddle.…

javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-modal sweetalert
SweetAlert2 add dynamic options to select input

I want to add dynamic options to a SweetAlert2 input type select that looks like this: swal({ title: 'Select Ukraine', …

javascript sweetalert sweetalert2
Sweet alert 2 - position swal in middle of a div

I need to position a Swal in the middle of a div. According the documentation: it …

javascript css sweetalert sweetalert2
sweetAlert preventDefault and return true

I tried sweeAlert plugin, which works perfectly, but I cant figure out how to do default stuff after confirm. $(document).…

jquery return preventdefault sweetalert
How to run a SweetAlert instead of default javascript confirm method

Currently this is the code I use to run a normal confirm window based on the class "confirmation". This is …

javascript jquery sweetalert
SweetAlert with Angular 7

I am trying to use sweet alert in my angular project. That's how I use sweet alert: import swal from …

angular sweetalert
Rails 4: How to get sweet alert confirm work?

I'm a beginner with rails and I want to use Sweet Alert to replace the basic ugly confirm messages on …

ruby-on-rails sweetalert
Pass HTML code as text of sweet alert

I am using this in my application. I would like to use sweet alert like below. swal({ title: "Are you …

How to have sweetalert return true/false for confirm without promise?

I like the simplicity of javascript confirm so that I can do this: if(!confirm("are you sure?")) return; in …

javascript sweetalert
Using sweetalert2 with bootstrap 4

I'm using sweetAlert2 and I'm trying to use bootstrap 4 to style buttons, setting the properties: buttonsStyling: false, confirmButtonClass: 'btn btn-primary …

javascript css twitter-bootstrap sweetalert sweetalert2