Top "Sweetalert" questions

SweetAlert is a JavaScript library that provides a replacement for standard alert() dialogue.

How To Use Sweet alert

This Is My HTML Code I Have Two Input Button That I Want To Show Sweet Alert When a user …

javascript jquery sweetalert
Remove "OK" button from sweet alert dialog

I am using javascript sweetalert2 library. I want to remove the OK button from the alert box but I did …

javascript jquery sweetalert sweetalert2
Cannot flush updates when React is already rendering

I'm trying to show an alert when the API returns an error. For the alert window I'm using sweetalert2. In …

javascript reactjs sweetalert
Prevent SweetAlert to be closed on clicking outside the popup window

I am using Sweet Alert for a popup on my product view in an E-commerce Application with two buttons: one …

javascript sweetalert
More than 2 buttons on sweetalert 2

I have a sweetalert with 2 buttons but I want to have one more button in it. For example, as of …

javascript jquery sweetalert sweetalert2
How to Add Ajax Call with sweet alert

My Ajax method looks like this $.post(url,{ ajax_call:"putDonation", addresse:addresse, phone:phone, email:email, name:name, amount:…

jquery ajax sweetalert
How to use sweetalert2 in angular2

Getting this error after npm start in angular project. app/app.component.ts(12,7): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'swal'. app/…

javascript angular typescript sweetalert sweetalert2
How to reload a page after clicked ok using sweetalert

Hello I have a code using sweetalert swal("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "success") this code will pop-up a …

php jquery ajax sweetalert
SweetAlert Calling code after clicking "Cancel" button

I have written following code, I want to call a code under "Cancel" button: vm.saveGroup = function(){ SweetAlert.swal({ title: "…

javascript angularjs sweetalert
Response from Sweet-alert confirm dialog

I have a function where i costumize my sweet-alert dialog. I want to use it in a lot of places …

javascript angularjs confirm sweetalert