Committing the code on Subversion (first time)

user478489 picture user478489 · Jun 20, 2011 · Viewed 54.9k times · Source

I am new on Subversion. I have to commit a code on subversion and this is the first time that I am doing this. So my mentor told me to put username on his server using SSH. I did this by following code:

amit@<URL> and it works fine.

Now he asked to commit the code and he give me url, but he said me to create a folder first by username which you have got at the time of SSH i.e. amit.

How I create a folder on svn link and then how to commit the project.


Naveed picture Naveed · Jun 20, 2011

First checkout that repository by

svn checkout <Your URL> svn

Now cd to svn folder, create username folder(amit) in svn folder and commit:

svn commit -m"username folder is created."

Now copy your files in that folder(amit in your case). Now you have to add each new file or new folder:

svn add filename
svn add foldername

Now you can commit these files to server:

svn commit -m"Some new files are added."

Note: Text after -m are comments and you can change it according to your needs.