SVN+SSH, not having to do ssh-add every time? (Mac OS)

James J picture James J · Dec 15, 2009 · Viewed 38k times · Source

I know the answer is out there, but I'm pretty Unix-dumb and probably wouldn't recognize the solution if it hit me in the face.

I'm on a Mac, connecting to a SVN server via SSH tunneling. I have to ssh-add privateKey.txt every time I want to connect to the SVN server (Both Cornerstone and Xcode are connecting to SVN).

Is there a way to "save" the key somewhere so I don't have to do this every time? Add it to my Keychain? Some config file? Start up script?


Nicholas Riley picture Nicholas Riley · Dec 16, 2009

First, move your private key file into ~/.ssh. This is not strictly necessary but it's the standard place for such things.

Then run ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/privateKey.txt. It'll prompt for your passphrase if necessary, then add it to your Keychain.

After that, you shouldn't have to do anything else. A slightly longer explanation is available here.