Top "Surfaceflinger" questions

SurfaceFlinger is Android's window compositor.

Android SurfaceFlinger

I would just like to ask if SurfaceFlinger is always called for any type of drawing into the screen? Example, …

android graphics surfaceflinger
How to make sense of dumpsys SurfaceFlinger

Is there any documentation on the output of the adb command "dumpsys SurfaceFlinger"? In particular, I'd like to understand what …

android adb surfaceflinger
surfaceflinger test program

I want to write a native application in Android for testing surfaceflinger. Is there any simple program that shows how …

android android-ndk native platform surfaceflinger
Understanding necessity of Android VSYNC signals

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the Android display subsystem, but one item that's still confusing to me …

android android-5.0-lollipop android-4.4-kitkat vsync surfaceflinger
Get Frame rate statistics on android

I am doing a project where I am scaling the frequency of the GPU of a Nexus 7 through the kernel …

android graphics opengl-es surfaceflinger