Top "Supervised-learning" questions

Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from labeled training data.

Plot learning curves with caret package and R

I would like to study the optimal tradeoff between bias/variance for model tuning. I'm using caret for R which …

r plot machine-learning supervised-learning
How do I use principal component analysis in supervised machine learning classification problems?

I have been working through the concepts of principal component analysis in R. I am comfortable with applying PCA to …

machine-learning pca supervised-learning principal-components
random forests: Does it make any difference if the test-set is also labeled?

All the examples I can find of making predictions using random forests already have the actual answers (i.e. the …

r random-forest supervised-learning
Labelling new data using trained Gaussian Mixture Model

I am not sure how to do the prediction for some new data using trained Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). For …

matlab machine-learning gaussian supervised-learning mixture-model