Top "Summernote" questions

Super simple WYSIWYG Editor using Bootstrap.

How to add image manager in Summernote WYSIWYG editor?

I had tried many WYSIWYG editors like TinyMCE, Ckeditor, and Summernote. I like the simplicity of Summernote and the edit/…

javascript summernote
font-family option in summernote not working

fontfamily option is not working in summernote I tried $("#divCalltoactiontitle").summernote({ toolbar: [ ['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], ], fontNames: [ …

Adding disable/enable methods to Summernote editor

I have been using summernote editor for a while now and it's working for most of the things I've needed …

javascript jquery textarea summernote
Summernote set default font size and font

I'm using last version summernote library. How i can set default font size and font? I'm trying like this, but …

javascript summernote
Summernote: set focus after initialization

Summernote gives you the option of giving focus to the editor when you create it, passing this options: $('#summernote').…

javascript jquery summernote
How to use summernote with angularjs

I would use summernote with AngularJS. I have found, but this doesn't work for me. …

angularjs summernote
How to translate Summernote editor

I found that Summernote plugin, has a lot of js files with translations. But how to apply them? I already …

javascript jquery summernote
How can I customize Summernote text editor width?

Now I am using Summernote text editor. It is so easy and customizable. But I want to customize width. Example: $("#…

How to reset textarea with summernote

In a form after submitting all fields get cleared other than the TEXTAREA. I use summernote for textarea. (using bootstrap) &…

reset summernote
Icons not showing with summernote rails

I followed Summernote-rails official to add rich text editor in my Rails project. Then in my edit.html.erb I …

javascript css ruby-on-rails twitter-bootstrap-3 summernote