Top "Summernote" questions

Super simple WYSIWYG Editor using Bootstrap.

What is the default textarea name for Summernote?

Can someone help me with the default textarea name value for Summernote? The editor looks correct on the page (I …

jquery summernote
bootstrap Summernote reset/clear

I would like to know how to reset or clear the bootstrap Summernote WYSIWYG editor using jQuery or JavaScript. I …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap-3 wysiwyg summernote
Summernote - Image url instead of Base64

Summernote wysiwyg editor encodes image files into Base64. Well, this seems handy but I expect the DB to be used …

php summernote
jQuery Summernote custom button function

I have a jsFiddle here -> I created a custom button in Summernote WYSIWYG …

jquery button toolbar summernote
Summernote content coming with html tags

I am new to summernote text editor. I am trying to get the proper content from the summernote textarea, which …

javascript html angularjs summernote
Setting max length in summernote

How can I apply a maxlength to Summernote? Applying a maxlength to the textarea does not work here. https://github.…

javascript jquery summernote
How to set custom fontsize list in summernote?

I'm using summernote and sometimes I need fonts with higher value than is available in font-size list. This is my …

font-size summernote
HTML Editor for Angular7

I'm looking for an HTML-editor to embed in an Angular7 project. The user of the editor will be creating very …

angular typescript summernote html-editor
How to set font-size in summernote?

I have been using summernote as my default text editor but I haven't been able to set a particular font-size …

javascript summernote
Summernote and form submission in MVC c#

I am using the summernote plugin for text box: This is the form I have …

c# forms summernote