BCD Adder in Verilog

DemonicImpact picture DemonicImpact · Nov 14, 2010 · Viewed 23.6k times · Source

I am trying to write a BCD Adder in Verilog, but I am having trouble with one of the modules. Specifically, the adder that takes two BCD digits and adds them. So, the idea is if the sum of the two digits is less than or equal to nine, then it is correct. However, if it is greater, then an offset of 6 has to be added. Here is my Verilog code so far:

module DIGITADD(
    input [3:0] IN_A,
    input [3:0] IN_B,
    input CIN,
    output reg COUT,
    output reg [3:0] SUM

wire s2, c2;

always @ ( * ) 
 assign {c2, s2} = IN_A + IN_B + CIN;

 if(s2 <= 9 && c2 == 0) begin
  assign {COUT, SUM} = {c2, s2};
 else if({c2, s2} > 9) begin
  assign {COUT, SUM} = {c2, s2 + 6};

Anyways, when I try to synthesize it in Xilinx, I get the following errors:

ERROR:HDLCompilers:247 - "DIGITADD.v" line 33 Reference to scalar wire 'c2' is not a legal reg or variable lvalue

ERROR:HDLCompilers:247 - "DIGITADD.v" line 33 Reference to scalar wire 's2' is not a legal reg or variable lvalue

ERROR:HDLCompilers:42 - "DIGITADD.v" line 33 Illegal left hand side of procedural assign

I tried changing some things like changing wire to reg, but I still can't get it to work. Any help is appreciated.


DemonicImpact picture DemonicImpact · Nov 17, 2010

Okay, I figured it out, the correct code is below. Basically, see the comment I made on my question for some tips to remember. Its funny how much simpler this is compared to the mess I had earlier.

module DIGITADD(
    input [3:0] IN_A,
    input [3:0] IN_B,
    input CIN,
    output COUT,
    output [3:0] SUM

reg [4:0] s2;

assign SUM = s2[3:0];
assign COUT = s2[4];

always @ ( * )
    s2 = IN_A + IN_B + CIN;
    if (s2 > 9)
        s2 = s2 + 6;