Top "Substring" questions

Part of a string, or the function/method that returns part of a string

Crystal Report : formula for Splitting string on / and concatenating it with other string

I have string coming in this format WORVS/000017/0005. I want to split the string on /. I want only 000017 from this …

crystal-reports substring crystal-reports-xi
Elasticsearch: Find substring match

I want to perform both exact word match and partial word/substring match. For example if I search for "men's …

autocomplete elasticsearch substring stringtokenizer n-gram
Find all possible substring in fastest way

For String A = "abcd" then answer should be {a,ab,abc,abcd,b,bc,bcd,c,cd,d} To find …

java algorithm performance substring time-complexity
mask all digits except first 6 and last 4 digits of a string( length varies )

I have a card number as a string, for example: string ClsCommon.str_CardNumbe r = "3456123434561234"; The length of this card …

c# .net string substring masking
Removing an item from list matching a substring

How do I remove an element from a list if it matches a substring? I have tried removing an element …

python list substring string-matching
How to get substr of the string's all characters except for the last two digits? (ex: 031p2 >> get 031)

id = '01d0'; document.write('<br/>'+id.substr(0,-2)); How can I get the 01 without …

javascript substring
selecting an array key based on partial string

I have an array and in that array I have an array key that looks like, show_me_160 this array …

php arrays string substring strpos
Remove Trailing Slash From Batch File Input

I have a batch file that I want to improve. Instead of requiring a user to provide a folder path …

batch-file substring
c# substring indexof

i have a string which looks like this - "FirstName||Sam LastName||Jones Address||123 Main ST ..." (100 more different values) I …

c# substring indexof
Getting index of a character in NSString with offset & using substring in Objective-C

I have a string! NSString *myString=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"This is my lovely string"]; What I want to do is: Assuming …

objective-c ios nsstring substring nsrange