How can I find the particular file in a Project/Folder in Sublime Text

Mohammed Abrar Ahmed picture Mohammed Abrar Ahmed · Jun 25, 2016 · Viewed 58.2k times · Source

I know that using ctrl+shift+f we can find the text in folder we want and simple ctrl+f will find the text in a opened file or we can right folder and click on a option Find in Folder... to search the text

I am looking for, how can I find the file in a Folder/Project.


idleberg picture idleberg · Jun 26, 2016

You can use the Goto Anything feature (Ctrl+P on Windows and Linux, Cmd+P on macOS) and type the name of the file you're looking for. If there are multiple hits, you can select the appropriate file using cursor keys. It also supports powerful operators, that let you jump to specific parts inside a file.


  • file.js opens that file
  • :100 jumps to line 100 in current file
  • file.js:100 jumps to line 100 in file.js
  • @loadFile lists all files with classes/functions named loadFile (shortcut: Ctrl+R, Cmd+R on macOS)
  • file.js@loadFile jumps to a loadFile() in file.js