How do I create a subdomain with rackspace?

Ryan picture Ryan · Apr 4, 2011 · Viewed 8.5k times · Source

I have a site I need to create a subdomain for, managed by rackspace cloud.

The domain is already setup and online. I just need to copy the current to

How do I go about doing this?

Do I add the subdomain in the cloud sites listing, or under the listing for the domain?

And where do I copy the files to? The current site is at / on the ftp.


AndiKod picture AndiKod · Feb 12, 2013

Actually, there is much difference between Rackspace Cloud Sites and Rackspace Cloud Servers, and the ways to manage domains/subdomains are also different.

So, if you have a Cloud Sites account, that should be a part of the control panel.

But if you are on a Cloud Server, it's not the same thing :

Login to your NextGen admin panel choose your server, and open the DNS tab.

Here, you can add a record for your domain to make it match your server's IP. Then you'll have to tell Apache there's a new domain to deal with (a virtual host).

As an example, if you are running an Ubuntu Server, that should work something like that.

PS: There's also an official article in the Rackspace Knowledge Center, but i'm not a fan of the proposed solution.