Top "Subdirectory" questions

A subdirectory is a directory that is contained inside another directory.

Python zip a sub folder and not the entire folder path

I have a program to zip all the contents in a folder. I did not write this code but I …

python subdirectory zipfile
Removing directory recursively

I'm doing a single Batch-File currently that deletes all contents from a specific folder on the Server. It is working …

batch-file directory subdirectory shared-directory delete-directory
How can I determine if a subdirectory exists in C#?

In C#, how can one determine if a subdirectory exists? Is this neccesary when calling CreateSubDirectory?

c# filesystems .net subdirectory
Google Analytics - only track traffic to a folder of the site

I want to track traffic for and careless about traffic on in general. Is it …

google-analytics subdirectory user-tracking
hdfs copy multiple files to same target directory

I learned that if you want to copy multiple files from one hadoop folder to another hadoop folder you can …

hadoop copy hdfs subdirectory cp
Can I move the .git directory for a repo to it's parent directory?

I have two sub-directories each with a repo, thus : PPP/ |--ABC/ | |--.git/ | |--AAA/ | | BBB/ | | CCC/ | |--DEF/ | |--.git/ | |--DDD/ | |…

git merge directory subdirectory
How to check if folder exist inside a directory if not create it using python

I use the below python script to check if a file exist on the root of my ftp server. from …

python ftp lookup subdirectory create-directory
Favicon in subdirectory all subdomain

I am used to just save the favicon.ico in the public_html folder for adding the favicon. The problema …

html favicon subdirectory
how to deploy django under a suburl behind nginx

I have a django application running on http://localhost:12345 . I'd like user to access it via url http://my.server.…

django deployment nginx subdirectory
How to control subdirectory compiling order of cmake?

This is my CMakeLists.txt: ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(third) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(utils) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(rpc) But the directory 'rpc' will be …

compilation cmake subdirectory