I'm doing a single Batch-File currently that deletes all contents from a specific folder on the Server. It is working so far, but directories with spaces in the Folder name will not be recognized unfortunately. I have no idea where to put the quotation marks in the script to overcome this limitation.
This is the script so far, it sits in the root of "D:\" :
cd Sharedfolder
for /f %%i in ('dir D:\Sharedfolder /B /D') do rd %%i /Q /S
del /F /S /Q *.*
It works good, but as soon as I have a Directory inside of "Sharedfolder" it will not work for that directory.
There is a mismatch in the command use. either use for /f or use
FOR /D %%i IN (D:\Sharedfolder\*) DO rd /s /q "%%i"
del /F /S /Q *.*
Which is closer to what you were thinking. An alternative solution would be to:
rmdir /s /q D:\Sharedfolder
mkdir D:\Sharedfolder
Tough this may have some problems elsewhere in the system.