Top "Subclassing" questions

A subclass, "derived class", heir class, or child class is a modular, derivative class that inherits one or more language entities from one or more other classes.

How do I include subclasses in Swagger API documentation/ OpenAPI specification using Swashbuckle?

I have an Asp.Net web API 5.2 project in c# and generating documentation with Swashbuckle. I have model that contain …

c# api swagger subclassing openapi
UIPopoverPresentationController should have a non-nil sourceView or barButtonItem set before the presentation occurs on iOS 9

I'm trying to show a popup using a custom UIPopoverPresentationController class. But it crashes with the error(<UIPopoverPresentationController: 0x7…

objective-c exception ios9 subclassing uipresentationcontroller
How to change parent attribute in subclass python

I have the following class class Foo(): data = "abc" And i subclass it class Bar(Foo): data +="def" I am …

python oop namespaces subclassing
What is subclassing?

I am new to java and I am trying to create an XML document and clone a specific node (minus …

java xml clone subclassing
Defining __repr__ when subclassing set in Python

I'm trying to subclass the set object in Python, using code similar to the below, but I can't work out …

python set subclassing
Am I subclassing my CSS correctly?

I am making a set of buttons for my site, and I am in need of some professional insight. In …

css subclassing css-cascade
Why can't you reduce the visibility of a method in a Java subclass?

Why does the compiler give an error message when you reduce the visibility of a method while overriding it in …

java polymorphism overriding subclassing
Subclassing NSMutableDictionary

I am trying to implement a subclass of NSMutableDictionary that returns nil instead of throwing a NSUndefinedKeyException when the key …

iphone objective-c ios nsmutabledictionary subclassing
creating a defaultlist in python

I'm trying to create a list equivalent for the very useful collections.defaultdict. The following design works nicely: class defaultlist(…

python list subclassing
Why doesn't Apple allow subclassing of UINavigationController? And what are my alternatives to subclassing?

I'm currently building a tabbed iPhone application where each tab's view controller is an instance of UINavigationController, and where every …

iphone cocoa-touch uikit subclass subclassing