Top "Styleddocument" questions

`StyledDocument` is a Java interface that extends `Document`. It helps Swing Components like `JTextPane` to render HTML and other markup-language-content.

JTextPane appending a new string

In an every article the answer to a question "How to append a string to a JEditorPane?" is something like …

java swing jtextpane styleddocument
How is word-wrapping implemented in JTextPane, and how do I make it wrap a string without spaces?

How exactly is word-wrapping implemented in JTextPane? I'm trying to understand exactly how it works so that I can modify …

java swing word-wrap jtextpane styleddocument
How can I set each character to a different color/background color in a JTextPane?

I've been searching for this for a while and so far all I've been able to come up with is …

java swing jtextpane jtextcomponent styleddocument
How to append a string in java swing JTextPane?

I am creating a chat application. In this chat application, I have to use Java Swing's JTextPane to give style …

java swing jtextpane styleddocument