Top "Strongname" questions

In .NET platform, a strong name consists of the assembly's identity—its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)—plus a public key and a digital signature.

.NET: Should executables be strong-name signed? What about private DLLs?

My application consists of three assemblies: a single EXE which references a couple of DLLs. The DLLs are private to …

.net assemblies strongname
Signing a DLL assembly with public key token

I inherited a C# .NET application that needed slight modifications to some of the path name strings in one of …

c# .net dll strongname assembly-signing
How to force WPF to use resource URIs that use assembly strong name? Argh!

O.k, this is really irritating, I had noticed previously that the code generated by WPF for loading XAML resources …

.net wpf xaml resources strongname
Can strong naming an assembly be used to verify the assembly author?

I have been reading the proper article in MSDN, Strong-Named Assemblies and a related Stack Overflow question, Checking an assembly …

.net security assemblies strongname