The stringr package is a wrapper for the R stringi package that provides consistent function names and error handling for string manipulation.
I have a list that contains multiple strings for each observation (see below). [1] A, C, D [2] P, O, E [3] W, …
r regex if-statement stringrI am trying to get the number of open brackets in a character string in R. I am using the …
r stringrI have a vector of strings—myStrings—in R that look something like: [1] download file from `` [2] this …
r string stringrSay I use gsub and want to remove the following (=,+,-) sign from the string and replace with an underscore. …
r gsub stringrI have a R list of strings and I want to get the last element of each require(stringr) string_…
r regex stringrmy df > df <- data.frame(food = c("fruit banana", "fruit apple", "fruit grape", "bread", "meat"), sold = rnorm(5, 100)) &…
r dplyr stringrPlease help me to install stringr and stringi packages in R. The result is: install.packages("stringi") Installing package into ‘…
r stringr stringiI'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious here, but I cannot make R to use non-greedy regular expressions: > library(…
regex r stringr