Top "String.format" questions

A method or function that takes a template string and arguments for that template and inserts these arguments into the template in an appropriate manner (programming-language-independent tag)

How to validate format for string.Format method

string.Format has following method signature string.Format(format, params, .., .. , ..); I want to pass custom format each time like string …

c# string.format
Help with string.format - building URL

I am trying to use String.Format to help with building a URL that will hold a parameter from a …

c# .net string.format
Break up a string literal over multiple lines

Is there a way to break up a line of code so that it is read as continuous despite being …

java string string.format
Translating C++'s sprintf format string to C#'s string.Format

I found the following C++ code (comments added myself): // frame_name is a char array // prefix is std::string // k …

c# c++ printf string.format
C# String.Format optional parameters

I want to use string.Format with optional parameters : public static void Main(string[] args) { // Your code goes here // Console.…

c# parameters optional string.format
Escape % symbol in a java string to apply String.format

In my project (Java/Play framework) I have an error handling routing that checks the response from a web service …

java string string.format input-sanitization
Number formatting does not take into account locale settings. Consider using String.format instead android studio

Here is my question and its solution regarding this problem.. Em trying to pass textview value between different activities, and …

android android-studio string.format
which version of C# to use $ instead of string.format

I find a piece of code like this int a = 100; string str = $"{a:0.00}"; Console.WriteLine(str); the result is "100.00" The $ …

c# string.format dollar-sign
How to format TimeSpan to string before .NET 4.0

I am compiling in C# using .NET 3.5 and am trying to convert a TimeSpan to a string and format the …

c# .net-3.5 tostring timespan string.format