Number formatting does not take into account locale settings. Consider using String.format instead android studio

Princes Aish picture Princes Aish · Oct 10, 2015 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

Here is my question and its solution regarding this problem..

Em trying to pass textview value between different activities, and em getting a problem. when i execute the code, the app crashes on opening StudentActivity, but then it shows the correct is the code

    int a = Integer.parseInt(textView.getText().toString());
    Intent i = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, StudentActivity.class);
    i.putExtra("level", a);


IN studentActivity, Integer.toString(getIntent().getExtras().getInt("level")) => this line says Number formatting does not take into account locale settings. Consider using String.format instead.Please suggest some code.. Any help would be truely appreciated!!


Nicolas Bossard picture Nicolas Bossard · Jan 5, 2016

Regarding the warning :

"Number formatting does not take into account locale settings. Consider using String.format instead android studio",

This is a Lint warning called "TextView Internationalization" which says :

When calling TextView#setText * Never call Number#toString() to format numbers; it will not handle fraction separators and locale-specific digits properly. Consider using String#format with proper format specifications (%d or %f) instead.

So you should have written :

 textView.setText(String.format("%d", getIntent().getExtras().getInt("level"))));