Top "String-parsing" questions

The action of retrieving data from a string

Long.getLong() failing, returning null to valid string

I've spent the past two hours debugging what seems extremely unlikely. I've stripped the method of a secondary Android Activity …

android string nullpointerexception long-integer string-parsing
How do you get an unsigned long out of a string?

What's the safest and best way to retrieve an unsigned long from a string in C++? I know of a …

c++ long-integer unsigned string-parsing string-conversion
ParseException: Unparseable date: "Wed Mar 30 00:00:00 GMT+05:30 2016" (at offset 4)

Im trying parse a String with a date to convert it into a Date format. Strings are in the following …

android string-parsing android-time-square
Best way to extract last segment of URI in Ruby

Given URI strings like:…

ruby string uri string-parsing
java generic String to <T> parser

Is there a straight-forward way to implement a method with the following signature? At minimum, the implementation would need to …

java generics string-parsing
Determine if a String is a number and convert in Java?

I know variants of this question have been asked frequently before (see here and here for instance), but this is …

java numbers bigdecimal string-parsing
Get number of characters read by sscanf?

I'm parsing a string (a char*) and I'm using sscanf to parse numbers from the string into doubles, like so: // …

c string-parsing scanf
Parse ISO timestamp using Java 8 java.time api (standard edition only)

I'm having trouble getting milliseconds from the epoch out of the string in the example. I have tried this three …

java datetime java-8 string-parsing java-time
Regex with non-capturing group in C#

I am using the following Regex JOINTS.*\s*(?:(\d*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*)\r\n\s*)* on the …

c# .net regex string-parsing
How to Convert Persian Digits in variable to English Digits Using Culture?

I want to change persian numbers which are saved in variable like this : string Value="۱۰۳۶۷۵۱"; to string Value="1036751"; How can …

c# .net cultureinfo string-parsing persian