Top "String-formatting" questions

Commonly refers to a number of methods to display an arbitrary number of varied data types into a string.

JavaScript Chart.js - Custom data formatting to display on tooltip

I have looked at various documentation and similar questions on here, but cannot seem to find the particular solution. Apologies …

javascript string-formatting number-formatting code-formatting chart.js
Convert Java Date to UTC String

The java.util.Date toString() method displays the date in the local time zone. There are several common scenarios where …

java datetime string-formatting utc
C# - Insert a variable number of spaces into a string? (Formatting an output file)

Alrighty, I'm taking data from a list that I populate a DataGridView with and am exporting it to a text …

c# .net visual-studio-2010 string string-formatting
How to left align a fixed width string?

I just want fixed width columns of text but the strings are all padded right, instead of left!!? sys.stdout.…

python string-formatting
Chart.js - Formatting Y axis

I'm using Chart.js to draw a simple bar plot and I need to format its Y axis like 123456.05 to 123 456,05 $ …

string-formatting chart.js
Converting Float to Dollars and Cents

First of all, I have tried this post (among others): Currency formatting in Python. It has no affect on my …

python python-3.x floating-point string-formatting currency
Logger slf4j advantages of formatting with {} instead of string concatenation

Is there any advantage of using {} instead of string concatenation? An example from slf4j logger.debug("Temperature set to {}. …

optimization logging concatenation string-formatting slf4j
String.Format("{0:C2}", -1234) (Currency format) treats negative numbers as positive

I am using String.Format("{0:C2}", -1234) to format numbers. It always formats the amount to a positive number, while …

c# string-formatting currency string.format
Why use endl when I can use a newline character?

Is there a reason to use endl with cout when I can just use \n? My C++ book says to …

c++ string-formatting iostream buffering
Custom numeric format string to always display the sign

Is there any way I can specify a standard or custom numeric format string to always output the sign, be …

c# .net formatting string-formatting