Commonly refers to a number of methods to display an arbitrary number of varied data types into a string.
How can i format a string with supplied variables in AS3? //vars var myNumber:Number = 12; var myString:String = "Months"; var …
actionscript-3 string-formattingI am trying to use StringFormat on DisplayMemberPath property of a ComboBox (WPF). But i don't know even if this …
wpf combobox string-formattingI need to send the APNS device token of my iOS app to my provider by calling a service that …
ios apple-push-notifications string-formatting devicetokenThanks to David Beazley's tweet, I've recently found out that the new Python 3.6 f-strings can also be nested: >>&…
python python-3.x string-formatting python-3.6 f-stringIn this post about SQLite, aaronasterling told me that cmd = "attach \"%s\" as toMerge" % "b.db" : is wrong cmd = 'attach "{0}" …
python string-formatting pysqliteI have a function that expects two cutoff values, called min_df and max_df. Either may be an int …
python string-formatting python-2.5Possible Duplicate: How can I print a literal “{}” characters in python string and also use .format on it? Basically, I …
python string formatting string-formatting curly-bracketsI have the following Python code (I'm using Python 2.7.X): my_csv = '{first},{middle},{last}' print( my_csv.…
python string-formatting template-variablesI have a function that takes a double and returns it as string with thousand separators. You can see it …
c++ string string-formatting currency dollar-signAre there any disadvantages, caveats or bad practice warnings about using the following pattern? def buildString(user, name = 'john', age=22): …
python string-formatting local-variables locals