Top "String-concatenation" questions

String concatenation is the operation of joining two character strings end-to-end.

How to concatenate strings in a Windows batch file?

I have a directory for which I want to list all the .doc files with a ;. I know the following …

windows batch-file string-concatenation
C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder?

Is there a C++ Standard Template Library class that provides efficient string concatenation functionality, similar to C#'s StringBuilder or …

c++ stl string-concatenation
Any reason not to use '+' to concatenate two strings?

A common antipattern in Python is to concatenate a sequence of strings using + in a loop. This is bad because …

python string-concatenation anti-patterns
Concat strings in a shell script

How can I concat strings in shell? Is it just... var = 'my'; var .= 'string'; ?

bash string-concatenation
String concatenation with Groovy

What is the best (idiomatic) way to concatenate Strings in Groovy? Option 1: calculateAccountNumber(bank, branch, checkDigit, account) { bank + branch + checkDigit + …

string groovy idioms string-concatenation gstring
how to use concatenate a fixed string and a variable in Python

I want to include file name 'main.txt' in the subject for that I am passing file name from command …

python string-concatenation
Adding quotes to a string in VBScript

I have this code: a = "xyz" g = "abcd " & a After running it, the value of g is abcd xyz. …

vbscript escaping string-concatenation

All, I have a large (unavoidable) dynamic SQL query. Due to the number of fields in the selection criteria the …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 variables string-concatenation
How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String?

I have to concatenate these two strings from my resource/value files: <string name="Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1">…

android string-concatenation
PHP string concatenation

I need to know if its possible to concatenate strings, as follows ? and if not, what is the alternative of …

php string-concatenation