[root@woyo test]# strace -o /tmp/lsof.strace -p 5625
Process 5625 attached - interrupt to quit
Anyone knows?
This seems to occur when a process is blocked waiting for a pid that no longer exists.
If your strace doesn't respond to Ctrl + C, than as mentioned, use Ctrl + Z and bg to push it to the background then attach to the running strace process with another strace. This should tell you why the first strace is blocked.
# strace -p 32035
Process 32035 attached - interrupt to quit
# bg
[1]+ strace -p 32035 &
# ps uax|grep strace
root 1886 0.0 0.0 103452 840 pts/2 S+ 05:59 0:00 grep strace
root 30114 0.0 0.0 4452 572 pts/2 S 05:59 0:00 strace -p 32035
# strace -p 30114
Process 30114 attached - interrupt to quit
You can then kill off these processes with a kill -9