Top "Step" questions

STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product data), otherwise known as ISO 10303, provides a mechanism to describe product data throughout the life cycle of a product, independent from any particular system.

How to run a step in a loop in Spring Batch : Updated

I have below spring batch job: <job id="MyBatchJob" job-repository="jobRepository"> <step id="ConfigurationReadStep"> <tasklet …

java spring spring-batch step
Converting STEP files to DWG by using autodesk Inventor and VBA

Does anyone know how to do that? My skills in using VBA aren't very good and I also googled for …

vba autodesk dwg step
import .step file with three.js

I would like to import a file ".step" to use it with Three.js but I don't know how to …

three.js step
Documentation or specification for .step and .stp files

I am looking for some kind of specification, documentation, explanation, etc. for .stp/.step files. It's more about what information …

step stp