Top "Static-site" questions

Static sites are websites that have no dynamic components, e.g. databases or server-side scripting languages.

How to add a favicon to a Next.js static site?

I'm trying to add a favicon to a Next.js static site without much luck. I've tried customising the document …

favicon next.js static-site
Recommendations of static site generator which accepts Markdown documents?

I'm looking for static site generator which accepts Markdown documents as input source code. I used Markdoc, but it looks …

generator markdown static-site
How do I generate a static html file from a django template?

I'm new to Django, and I'm pretty sure I've read or heard about a way to do this, but I …

html django django-templates static-site static-html
Django: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

I'm trying to build a static site generator using Django (because its resourceful that way), and right now my problems …

python django python-3.x static-site django-commands
Start an apache server in any directory from command line

I want to be able to start an apache server from the command line, typing something like apache site-folder or …

apache command-line-interface static-files static-site staticfilehandler
How to solve "x-cache: Error from cloudfront" on SPA

We are having issues trying to make working a SPA with a client router (react router). We are using the …

amazon-s3 react-router amazon-cloudfront static-site
Using a S3 Static Site with an Application Load Balancer

I have an ALB that currently routes traffic to multiple urls. I'd like to be able to route traffic to …

amazon-s3 load-balancing terraform terraform-provider-aws static-site
How to include simple JavaScript within Hugo

Given the following code: $('img').mouseenter(function(){ //... }).mouseleave(function(){ //... }); I'd like it to be included in my articles. I'd like …

javascript static-site hugo
Jekyll on GitHub Pages: include markdown in another markdown file

I'm using kramdown with Jekyll on GitHub Pages. I have a piece of markdown that I want to use twice, …

markdown jekyll github-pages static-site kramdown
How to get previous url in react gatsby

I am pretty much familiar with the React.js but new to Gatsby. I want to detect the previous page …

javascript reactjs gatsby static-site