Top "Static-factory" questions

Static factory methods are an alternative to public constructors in OO languages that support class-level methods.

static factory method in interface class java

I was reading Effective java text book. First item is about using static factory methods instead of public constructor. My …

java static-factory
Factory Pattern - CreateInstance static or not?

This is about the Factory Pattern. I am a little confused. I saw implementations where the createInstance() method is static …

design-patterns factory factory-pattern factory-method static-factory
Spring 3 @Component and static factory method

If I'm writing a static factory method to create objects, how do I use the '@Component' annotation for that …

java spring annotations static-factory
Static factory method vs public constructor

Background: Here's the code for what I'm currently working on. First, the base class, which is an account class that …

c# constructor static-factory