Top "Standardized" questions

Shifting and rescaling data to assure zero mean and unit variance.

Can anyone explain me StandardScaler?

I am unable to understand the page of the StandardScaler in the documentation of sklearn. Can anyone explain this to …

python machine-learning scikit-learn scaling standardized
extracting standardized coefficients from lm in R

My apologies for the dumb question...but I can't seem to find a simple solution I want to extract the …

r regression lm beta standardized
processing strings of text for neural network input

I understand that ANN input must be normalized, standardized, etc. Leaving the peculiarities and models of various ANN's aside, how …

preprocessor neural-network textinput normalize standardized
Standardize some columns in Python Pandas dataframe?

Python code below only return me an array, but I want the scaled data to replace the original data. from …

python pandas sklearn-pandas standardized
Data Standardization vs Normalization vs Robust Scaler

I am working on data preprocessing and want to compare the benefits of Data Standardization vs Normalization vs Robust Scaler …

python machine-learning scikit-learn normalization standardized
How to store scaling parameters for later use

I want to apply the scaling sklearn.preprocessing.scale module that scikit-learn offers for centering a dataset that I will …

python scikit-learn normalization standardized
R Standardizing numeric variables in dataframe while retaining factor variables

I have a dataframe (dcc) loaded in R which I have narrowed down to complete cases. str(dcc) 'data.frame': 41715 …

r standardized