Top "Stagefright" questions

Stagefright is the android media framework.

FFmpeg on Android

I have got FFmpeg compiled ( on Android. Now I have to build either an application like RockPlayer or …

android ffmpeg stagefright android-ffmpeg
How to use hardware accelerated video decoding on Android?

I need hardware-accelerated H.264 decoding for a research project, to test a self-defined protocol. As I have Search on the …

android video h.264 hardware-acceleration stagefright
Play .ts video file on Android?

I am pretty new at streaming video, so please bear with me. :) I am trying to port an m3u8 …

android video streaming-video stagefright
Stagefright architecture

Is there a documentation explaining android Stagefright architecture? Can I get some pointers on these subjects?

android stagefright
How to use MediaCodec without MediaExtractor for H264

I need to use MediaCodec without the MediaExtractor and I'm reading the file using a FileInputStream. Currently it is not …

android h.264 stagefright android-mediacodec transport-stream
Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project

I am currently developing an application that needs to record audio, encode it as AAC, stream it, and do the …

android stream native aac stagefright
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework

Recently i have ported a video decoder to android successfully. Also dumped the output on a surfaceview and checked the …

android android-ndk android-mediaplayer android-framework stagefright
MediaPlayer Framework on GingerBread and Apple's HTTP Live Streaming Support

According to the release notes, StageFright replaces the OpenCore framework in the GingerBread release. It seems that there have been …

android http-live-streaming stagefright
How to use Stagefright in Android?

I want to play .ts video file in my application.I am not getting any way do it. I doubt …

android stagefright