Top "Stack-pointer" questions

The register that points to the current location in the call-stack.

What is the purpose of the RBP register in x86_64 assembler?

So I'm trying to learn a little bit of assembly, because I need it for Computer Architecture class. I wrote …

c assembly x86-64 stack-pointer
Base pointer and stack pointer

Given this piece of code: swap: push ebp ; back up the base pointer, mov ebp, esp ; push the context of …

assembly x86 nasm stack-pointer
Does the ret instruction add 4 to esp register?

Does the ret instruction cause "esp" register to be increased by 4?

assembly x86 return instructions stack-pointer
what is the difference between ESP register and SS register?

I'm just a beginner in Assembly language. As I know, ESP and SS both refer to stack registers but not …

assembly x86 memory-segmentation stack-pointer