Top "Stack-frame" questions

Use stackframe for questions related to debugging unterminated function calls.

EBP, ESP and stack frame in assembly

I have a few questions about EBP, ESP and stack frame in following code. Why did we subtract 28 from esp? …

assembly x86 nasm calling-convention stack-frame
RISC-V assembly - stack layout - function call

currently I am working with a RISC-V processor implementation. I need to run partially hand-crafted assembly code. (Finally there will …

c assembly calling-convention riscv stack-frame
Does omitting the frame pointers really have a positive effect on performance and a negative effect on debug-ability?

As was advised long time ago, I always build my release executables without frame pointers (which is the default if …

performance visual-studio-2010 visual-c++ x86 stack-frame