Top "Sqltransaction" questions

An SQL-transaction is a unit of work that is performed against a database.

how to use sqltransaction in c#

I am using following code to execute two commands at once. I used sqltransaction to assure either all command get …

c# sql-server sqltransaction
SQL SERVER - Understanding how MIN(text) works

I'm doing a little digging and looking for a explanation on how SQL server evaluates MIN(Varchar). I found this …

sql-server tsql sqltransaction
The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working

background I have some code which opens a sql connection, begins a transaction and performs some operations on the DB. …

c# transactions sqltransaction
Does SqlTransaction need to have Dispose called?

Do I need to call dispose in the finally block for SqlTransaction? Pretend the developer didnt use USING anywhere, and …

.net transactions dispose sqltransaction
SqlTransaction to support multiple SqlConnections

So I have multiple SqlConnections that I want to all be used in one SqlTransaction. I know that I could …

c# sql sqltransaction
How does SQLTransaction.Commit() work?

A few day ago, I have studied SqlTransaction and I know the purpose of SqlTransaction.Commit() - it should "commit …

c# sqltransaction
how to manage nested transaction with try catch

--Drop Table Tab1 Begin Transaction TR1; Save Transaction TR1; Create Table Tab1(f1 decimal(10,0)); Begin Transaction TR2 Save Transaction TR2 …

sql-server try-catch sqltransaction savepoints nested-transactions
multiple sqltransactions in single sqlconnection

I have some code that I want to execute as follows. But I keep getting the exception "This SqlTransaction has …

c# database sqlconnection sqltransaction